Aliya Ryan

Aliya Ryan

Aliya Ryan leads our Deep Accompaniment team. This work involves deep relationship building, accompaniment of our partners and training members of Indigenous organizations and communities to use Mapeo and other technologies.

Aliya has worked with Indigenous peoples on issues of land rights, data sovereignty and biocultural mapping for over twenty years. She cofounded and codirected the Peruvian non-profit Shinai, and with Digital Democracy Aliya led the territory mapping work in Ecuador with the Waorani and Siekopai peoples, in collaboration with Alianza Ceibo and Amazon Frontlines.

Currently Aliya is helping to build a strong codesign program within Awana Digital to ensure frontline earth defenders are centered in our design process; she is working closely with partners on the ground in the Amazon and East Africa and is supporting groups to move from data collection to advocacy and impact, building strategies for them to use their data for storytelling, legal enforcement and internal governance. Aliya is currently based in Oxford, UK.

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