Digital Democracy is now Awana Digital  Learn More

We partner with earth defenders to co-develop technology for social justice

Our Mission

Digital Democracy’s mission is to work in solidarity with frontline communities to use technology to defend their rights and fight climate change. As technology becomes cheaper and more accessible, we believe it can and should be used to bring more voices to the table. Digital Democracy helps our partners achieve transformative change and works toward a world where all people can participate in decisions that govern their lives.

More About Our Mission
Amazonian indigenous community holding a banner saying: "Our land is not for sale. NO OIL" in three languages.

Our Impact in Numbers

Since our founding in 2008, Digital Democracy has promoted approaches to using technology that support local autonomy and ownership over tools and data.



across 38 countries


land defenders

actively using our tools


million hectares

of territory mapped and defended

Our Tools

At Digital Democracy we build tools in solidarity with frontline communities.
Our frontline partners represent marginalized communities worldwide, including Indigenous Peoples and ethnic minorities, whose human rights are most severely impacted by environmental abuse.

More About Our Tools
A preview of the Mapeo interface.


Mapeo is a free digital toolset for documenting, monitoring and mapping many types of data.

Earth Defenders Toolkit illustration

Earth Defenders Toolkit (EDT)

A collaborative space providing resources and training materials for communities defending critical ecosystems around the world.

A preview of the Terrastories interface.


An application for communities to map, protect, and share stories about their land.

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Join the global movement to defend human rights and protect critical ecosystems

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Our Partners

We are part of a global ecosystem of people and groups working for a more just and sustainable world.

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